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Editor: 'Lite XL' 2.0.3r2 for AmigaOS 4 and MorphOS released
At the end of last year George Sokianos had released the first version v1.16.12.3 of his port of the editor 'Lite XL' ( reported). The now available version is for the first time also available for MorphOS. He writes about it:

"I am delighted to inform you all that a few hours ago I released a new version of LiteXL, the v2.0.3r2, not only for AmigaOS 4.1 FE but also for MorphOS. For the first time, LiteXL runs on MorphOS, something I was working on for the last couple of months.

For all of you who love to use MorphOS, please give it a try and send me your feedback. How does it work? Is it fast on your system? Is it helpful for you for your development projects?

There are some known issues though. Some of them are SDL problems and some are LiteXL's ones, which I am working on fixing in future releases.

The MorphOS version wouldn't be possible without Bruno's "BeWorld" Peloille work. With his SDL port, his testing and help I managed to have LiteXL work quite well. Thank you so much Bruno for your support and the SDL fixes.

From now on, the AmigaOS 4 and MorphOS code is merged into one branch. This is necessary to simplify the work on both systems, fixing the same problems.

Of course, my work doesn't stop here. Your support with plenty of coffee, and the good words I hear from those who contacted me, give me the motivation to continue working on the next fixes and releases." (dr)

[News message: 19. Jun. 2022, 07:21] [Comments: 0]
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