AmigaOS 4: First public version of editor 'Lite XL' released
Recently George Sokianos, author of the AmigaOS 4.1 application MediaVault, had announced that he is going to port the Linux editor Lite XL. Now he has released the first public version v1.16.12.3 of his port.
According to the author "LiteXL for AmigaOS 4 is still experimental and there are some known issues, but it is quite usable. It is recommended to use it on a fast AmigaOne, although it was tested on microAmiga1 and works pretty good, but slow."
Using an AmigaOne X5000, the editor could be started without problems (screenshots see above). Under WinUAE and AmigaOS 4.1 it runs with the help of the PatchCompositeTags, which gives the following result:
[News message: 30. Dec. 2021, 17:53] [Comments: 0]
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