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AmigaOS 4: Version 2 of editor 'Lite XL' released
At the end of the last year, George Sokianos, author of the AmigaOS 4.1 application MediaVault, had released the first version v1.16.12.3 of hisport of the editor 'Lite XL' ( reported). Now he has released version 2 and has written on it:

"I was keeping that release back for a long time now, but today I decided to give everyone the opportunity to use the newer version of Lite XL.

This new version is a really exciting one. It has so many new features and fixes against the older v1, that is hard to be listed here. But in general, it is faster in scrolling and file loading, there are multiple cursors that I know some of you were asking for, there is an easy way to have open files side by side, and many other things. And also uses the latest SDL 2.0.20 by Capehill.

What is not there yet is the folder synchronization based on filesystem notification, and the reason for that is that the original development team is changing the way they implement it. They experimented with different libraries and now they brought a new way of doing it. So I wait for them to finalize it in future versions and then I will add my implementation.

New icons were added in this release, kindly created and provided by IconDesigner who has given us so many awesome icons in the past, so to make our Workbench look so nice.

I use this editor with all of my development projects and I am really happy with how it works. I hope you will like it too and be useful for your projects as well."

If you ant to support the author, then the Ko-fi website is the best place. At the end of each month, 50% of the donations are donated back to the community by supporting projects or developers. (dr)

[News message: 30. Apr. 2022, 17:37] [Comments: 0]
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