MorphZone (website)
MorphOS: Web browser Wayfarer 1.16 (update)
Version 1.15 of Jacek 'jacadcaps' Piszczek's web browser Wayfarer brings multiple media playback improvements, including seeking, stream quality changes and HLS video support fixes. Furthermore it is possible now to play videos on machines not equipped with Altivec.
Required are MorphOS 3.15 and 1 GB RAM. A CPU with at least 1.5 GHz is recommended. For feedback to the author, besides the integrated crash report tool also e-mails to wayfarer at wayfarer.icu or the corresponding thread at MorphZone can be used.
Update: (15:25, 01.05.21, dr)
Meanwhile already version 1.16 is available which disables screensaver while playing video and fixes a crash when shutting down the video decode. (snx)
[News message: 30. Apr. 2021, 22:06] [Comments: 0]
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