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CDTV: Installation of CDTV OS ROMs/Extended ROMs 2.7/2.30
The website CDTV Land deals with Commodore's game console and multimedia player CDTV, which was released in 1991. In his latest >blog entry, the author goes into detail about installing and using the publicly available 2.7 and 2.30 versions of the CDTV OS ROMs/Extended ROMs, which are often used to upgrade the CDTV player. The website CDTV Land deals catchily with Commodore's game console and multimedia player CDTV, which was released in 1991. In his latest blog entry, the author discusses how to install and use the publicly available 2.7 and 2.30 versions of the CDTV OS ROMs/Extended ROMs, which are often used to upgrade the CDTV player. The website CDTV Land deals with Commodore's game console and multimedia player CDTV, which was released in 1991. In his latest >blog entry, the author goes into detail about installing and using the publicly available 2.7 and 2.30 versions of the CDTV OS ROMs/Extended ROMs, which are often used to upgrade the CDTV player. (dr) (Translation: bb)

[News message: 30. Apr. 2021, 06:55] [Comments: 0]
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