Game Construction Kit: RedPill 0.85
RedPill developed by Carlos Peris is a Game Construction Kit written in AmiBlitz2, which can help developing games of diverse genres - see our little review of two games. Recently a preview video of the forthcoming game "Putter" has been released being also developed with RedPill. RedPill is compatible to AGA and ECS, the "player" requires a total of 1,5 MB RAM.
Changes in version 0.85:
- Added action Trigger Prev Level to move to the previous level.
- Added action Trigger Level# to var to set a Var with the current level number.
- Improved ApolloOS/AROS compatibility.
- FIX: In Spitesheet screen, Pick could lead to a crash.
- FIX: In edit Display Object x & y.
- FIX: In Level editor 1 key moves to the previous level.
(dr) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 06. Jan. 2021, 08:14] [Comments: 0]
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