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10.Dec.2008 Uploads until 09.12.2008
These are the latest uploads to which have been added sine our last message:
aacplusenc-src.lha      aud/con  245kb  Encode AAC+ (AACPlus) music (Sources)
aacplusenc.lha          aud/con  459kb  Encode AAC+ (AACPlus) music
rom2snsf.lha            aud/con   54kb  snes music ripping tool (converts rom to
amisounded-mp3.lha      aud/edi  526kb  MP3 plugin for SoundED
amisounded-wavpack.lha  aud/edi  199kb  WavPack plugin for AmiSoundED
amisounded.lha          aud/edi  103kb  32-bit mono/stereo sound editor
ht.lha                  aud/edi  987kb  Multichannel chiptune tracker, based on 
aften.lha               aud/mis  313kb  A/52 (AC3) audio encoder
amr.lha                 aud/mis  837kb  Encode/decode 3GPP AMR files
checkmate.lha           aud/mis   28kb  Checks MP3 files for errors
hvscupdate-src.lha      aud/mis  128kb  High Voltage SID Collection (HVSC) Updat
hvscupdate.lha          aud/mis  221kb  High Voltage SID Collection (HVSC) Updat
dg_midi_player.lha      aud/pla  371kb  Simple MIDI player
mtpng.lha               aud/pla   69kb  MegaTracker Player, the Next Generation
tunead_plug.lha         aud/pla    2Mb  AdPlug based plugin for TuneNet
tuneamr_plug.lha        aud/pla  196kb  3GPP AMR TuneNet plugin
tunemtp_plug.lha        aud/pla   72kb  MegaTracker plugin for TuneNet
tunes98_plug.lha        aud/pla  204kb  S98 plugin for TuneNet
svg_dt.lha              dat/ima    1Mb  Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) datatype
amr_dt.lha              dat/sou  211kb  3GPP AMR datatype
flacdt.lha              dat/sou   61kb  FLAC Datatype
stonebeach.lha          dem/mis    6Mb  Interactive Slide show realized with Hol
fractures.lha           dem/sce    3Mb  "Fractures and Rust"  by  Atomimaitokahv
ukonx_myworld.lha       dem/sce    5Mb  My World Is How I Create It - Demo by Uk
sqlitequery.lha         dev/exa  580kb  Example for using the sqlite3 library
agletm2ppc.lha          dev/lan    7Mb  Modula-2 Native PPC compiler
awk.lha                 dev/lan  211kb  awk the text processing language
cbmbasic.lha            dev/lan  239kb  C64 basic for AmigaOS 4.x
ecx.lha                 dev/lan    1Mb  E compiler X
perl-src.tar.bz2        dev/lan   21Mb  Perl 5.8.5 AmigaOS4 src
libcairo.lha            dev/lib  347kb  Cairo-Multi-platform 2D graphics library
libpict.lha             dev/lib  107kb  Read Mac PICT (.pct) files
libpokecubed.lha        dev/lib  110kb  Use this library to play Gamecube music
libreadline.lha         dev/lib    4Mb  Library for editing command lines
libxvidcore.lha         dev/lib  973kb  libxvidcore - add xvid support to your a
libzip.lha              dev/lib  394kb  Read, modify and create zip archives.
sqlite.lha              dev/lib    5Mb  SQL database engine
abc-shell.lha           dev/uti  181kb  Amiga Bourne Compatible Shell
compilergui.lha         dev/uti  118kb  GUI for compilers
yacc.lha                dev/uti  228kb  Yacc - Yet another compiler-compiler
camd.lha                dri/mis   82kb  Native CAMD library for OS4
camd_src.lha            dri/mis   89kb  CAMD.library source
canons600.lha           dri/pri   27kb  Canon printer driver
diskimage_device.lha    dri/sto  314kb  Disk image device (adf,dms,ipf,iso,...)
sonix.lha               dri/vid  152kb  Display and grab pictures from webcams s
fuse.lha                emu/com    1Mb  Spectrum emulator with advanced features
amiarcadia.lha          emu/gam    1Mb  Signetics-based machines emulator for OS
kuklomenos.lha          gam/act  938kb  Kuklomenos - an abstract vector shoot em
wordmeupxxl_demo.lha    gam/act   16Mb  Word Me Up XXL
between.lha             gam/puz  322kb  a brain bending networked puzzle game
japairs.lha             gam/puz    1Mb  Learn Japanese Hiragana and Katakana sym
aiss.lha                gra/ais    2Mb  AISS - Amiga Image Storage System
aiss.pdf                gra/ais    1Mb  AISS Documentation
aissview.lha            gra/ais  106kb  Viewer for AISS images
pngminus.lha            gra/con  141kb  Converts between png and pnm
ppm2fli.lha             gra/con   82kb  Converts PPM images to a FLI anim
grafx2.lha              gra/edi    1Mb  Pixel paint program (like DPaint etc).
defpointers.lha         gra/ico  263kb  Extended default mouse pointer types
snowflakes.lha          gra/mis   13kb  Snowflakes falling on your WB!
topaz-a500.lha          gra/mis    1kb  The A500 version of Topaz for Hi-Res scr
smileyboingballers.lha  gra/the  564kb  SmileyBoingBallers For SabreMSN
aview.lha               gra/vie  186kb  Displays bitmap images as ascii art imag
warposemu.lha           lib/mis   86kb  WarpOS wrapper for AmigaOS4
netsurf.lha             net/bro    3Mb  Fast CSS capable web browser
owb.lha                 net/bro   11Mb  Origyn Web Browser
owbaddressbook.lha      net/bro    1Mb  An Address Book for the OWB Web Browser 
owbbook.lha             net/bro  178kb  An address book+fastlinks for OWB+conver
pftp.lha                net/ftp  841kb  Advanced FTP/SFTP client
xnet_rss.lha            net/new    1Mb  Native AOS4.x RSS News Reader
createtorrent.lha       net/p2p   21kb  Create torrents
hagelslag-src.lha       net/p2p  219kb  A console based gnutella client (src)
hagelslag.lha           net/p2p  210kb  A console based gnutella client
amicad.lha              off/cad    1Mb  Schematics vectorial electronics program
cinnamon_writer.lha     off/wor    2Mb  Compact and efficient word processor
cranu.lha               uti/arc  110kb  Easy to use ReAction GUI for archivers
photoframe-docky.lha    uti/doc   17kb  Display slideshows in Amidock
rnetmon.lha             uti/doc   28kb  Network stack monitor
bcrypt.lha              uti/fil  149kb  A cross platform file encryption utility
comparedirs.lha         uti/fil  186kb  Compare two dirs for different files, wi
dupfinder.lha           uti/fil    9kb  Finds even more duplicate files on your 
mkfile.lha              uti/fil    3kb  Create an empty file of desired size
syncrome.lha            uti/fil   83kb  Directory syncronizing utility
allkeys.lha             uti/mis  111kb  Use all mapped rawkeys which include mos
alt_tab_switcher.lha    uti/mis   41kb  Switch between screens in a graphical wa
ranger.lha              uti/mis  301kb  System diagnostic tool
splashlauncher.lha      uti/mis   89kb  Splash image program launcher
gocr.lha                uti/sci  313kb  Optical Character Recognition
cmp.lha                 uti/she   15kb  Replacement for the Arp command cmp
aminetreadme.lha        uti/tex   50kb  Aminet .readme creator
annotate.lha            uti/tex  255kb  Text Editor with advanced features
annotate_src.lha        uti/tex  182kb  Text Editor with advanced features (sour
bibvision.lha           uti/tex  260kb  Bible text viewer for OS4
nowined.lha             uti/tex    1Mb  TextEditor multipage
nowinedsrc.lha          uti/tex    2Mb  TextEditor multipage (source)
rman.lha                uti/tex  221kb  Converts UNIX MAN pages to AGuide/Text/H
amisnap_fx.lha          uti/wor   48kb  Iconify any window on your wb with FX
amytimer.lha            uti/wor   66kb  A countdown timer
lastused.lha            uti/wor  116kb  List last used apps & docs
multiuser.lha           uti/wor  148kb  Multiuse: Enables user have there own se
screenthumbs.lha        uti/wor   72kb  Screen thumbnails
wb2front.lha            uti/wor   43kb  Workbench 2 Front
windowthumbs.lha        uti/wor  132kb  Window thumbnails with LALT+TAB
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 10. Dec. 2008, 22:43] [Comments: 0]
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