AROS-Archives: Uploads until 09.12.2008
These are the latest uploads to AROS-Archives which have been added sine our last message:
playmusic.zip aud/pla 369kb Playmusic - simply ogg and wav player
amibridge1.avi dem/ 7Mb AmiBridge video demostration
perl-5.7.2.i386-aros.tar.gz dev/lan 6Mb Perl
perl-5.7.2.x86_64-aros.tar.gz dev/lan 6Mb Perl
python-2.5.2.i386-aros.tar.gz dev/lan 15Mb Python
python-2.5.2.x86_64-aros.tar.gz dev/lan 16Mb Python
libgtk-mui.i386.tar.gz dev/lib 370kb Link library to port and zunify GTK appl
lzo-2.03.i386.tar.gz dev/lib 193kb LZO real-time data compression library
lzo-2.03.x86_64.tar.gz dev/lib 219kb LZO real-time data compression library
autoconf-2.62.i386.tar.gz dev/uti 738kb Autoconf port for i386 AROS
autoconf-2.62.x86_64.tar.gz dev/uti 738kb Autoconf port for x86-64 AROS
automake-1.9.6.all.tar.gz dev/uti 498kb Automake (all architectures)
aros-promo_init2.zip doc/mis 4Mb AROS Promotion Presentation Template
aros_leaflet_ver6.zip doc/mis 3Mb AROS promotion leaflet
e-uae-gtk.i386.tar.gz emu/com 2Mb E-UAE with a GTK-MUI GUI
e-uae-gtk.src.tar.gz emu/com 1Mb E-UAE with a GTK-MUI GUI (E-UAE Source C
aros-quake.zip gam/ 2Mb Quake 1 *with sound*
battle-pong.i386.zip gam/act 9Mb battle-pong
dd2-0.2.2.i386-aros.zip gam/act 540kb This is a little shot'em up arcade game.
highmoon_1.2.4.i386-aros.zip gam/act 873kb The First Worms Clone, and it's in Space
changeit_06.i386.lha gam/puz 3Mb Logical game (Amiga Bejeveled clone)
dcraw.i386-aros.zip gra/con 574kb CLI converter for camera raw files
grafx-svn308-aros.zip gra/edi 995kb Pixel paint program (like DPaint etc).
grafx2.zip gra/edi 985kb Pixel paint program (like DPaint etc).
mountainview.tar.gz gra/ray 33kb Make landscapes, view them from all side
lzop-1.02rc1.tar.gz uti/arc 450kb lzop - a fast file compression tool
xdms.zip uti/arc 42kb AROS port of xDMS with source
sdlcalc-0.0.1.i386-aros.zip uti/sci 406kb An advanced calculator
vmwupdate132.lha uti/she 8kb Newer update script for VmwAROS 0.9.x
(cg) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 10. Dec. 2008, 22:42] [Comments: 0]
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