www.scacom.de.vu (ANF)
PDF-magazine: SCACOM Aktuell issue 7 (jubilee edition)
SCACOM.aktuell is a free PDF-magazine which is about the computers by Commodore. With issue 7 the magazine celebrates its first anniversary. Therefore additional to the normal magazine with 48 pages a jubilee edition with 22 pages were published. Besides this at SCACOM the C64-game "Gold Quest 4" as well as the corresponding disk-cover are available and at the website of SCACOM two new background pictures were published.
The publisher asks for your feedback or guest book entries on the website and hopes that there will be some further interested people who want to cooporate.
The next eighth issue will include a survey about the patents from Commodore/Amiga and some facts to the topic "Why did home computers vanish?". (cg) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 12. Aug. 2008, 17:46] [Comments: 0]
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