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Amiga Future (website)

AmigaOS 4: patch for using TD64 file systems
Fredrik Wikstrom's td64 patch enables the use of TD64 file systems under AmigaOS 4 - e.g. the 68k versions of the NTFileSystem or the FATFileSystem.

The NSD device drivers of AmigaOS 4 (e.g. the a1ide.device) are modified in a way that they also support the TrackDisk64 standard (TD64). The latter was suggested in 1996 by Ralph Babel and supported by a group of developers; later on did Ralph Schmidt distribute such a patch for the FastFileSystem.

Both implementations, TD64 and NSD, are a 64 bit enhancement to read and write from/to harddisks bigger than 4 GB in size.

While TD64 had been used among others by phase 5 controllers became the New Style Device standard (NSD) by Heinz Wrobel under AmigaOS 3.5 official part of the operating system.

With AmigaOS 4 the usage of NSD is kept upright and in MorphOS TD64 is continued.

With this background TD64 file systems - like the support of NTFS, EXT2, XFS and FAT created by Marek Szyprowski originally for MorphOS and also for AmigaOS/68k released - couldn't be used until now under AmigaOS 4.

Please note, though, that this is the first version of the td64patch and that the author hasn't made ample tests. The use is therefore at one's own risk.

Download: td64patch.lha (4 KB) (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 16. Dec. 2006, 08:51] [Comments: 0]
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