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16.Aug.2006 (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: Instant messenger Epistula
The latest version of the instant messengers Epistulacomes with several minor extensions and improvements. There is a plugin for the messaging services AIM/ICQ by AOL available now.

The changes in detail:
  • Documentation is provided in PDF form.
  • All imagery within Epistula is now user configurable. I've used PNG images as IFF won't display correctly on my machine. Note a word of warning though; don't try and use a PNG image with more than 256 colours as it will crash. I need to adapt my code to work with high colour images first.
  • You can now add and remove contacts to and from your contact list, although this will also depend on that functionality being implemented fully in the plugin.
  • Contacts can be moved (dragged and dropped) to and from any groups you have with your contact list. Note that I've found a nasty bug in the add group functionality, so it's disabled for now. A fix will be released VERY soon.
  • Full logging is provided should you need it. If I'm missing anything which you'd like implemented and added to the logs, drop me a line and I'll see it's added for the next update.
  • Docky icon implemented, although it doesn't do anything yet and looks err, dark. Best leave it off until I'm finished with it.
  • Updated catalogs and missing translations from last version fixed. If you spot anything which isn't translated let me know so I can fix it. Note that you should remove any old epistula.catalogs.
  • Nicely re-written plugin removal code which uses new features of dos.library to stop those awful crashes and 'Cannot quit plugin' messages.
  • Your installed MUI Classes are checked to make sure they're the correct version or above.

The ICQ-/AIM plugin is called "TOC" and has been tested with the official client of these services. The program has surpassed all tests already, but since this is the first release the author guesses there might be some glitches still.. File transmission as well as sorting the "Buddy list" is not yet implemented. (cg) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 16. Aug. 2006, 03:19] [Comments: 0]
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