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Carsten Siegner (ANF)

Hardware-Hack: Shutting down Pegasos with software
Carsten Siegner has developed a hardware-hack which makes it possible shutting down the Pegasos with software. With the current version of MorphOS this is not possible because the Firmware is completely hidden.

Siegners hack consists of a little wiring which will be connected to the floppy-port of the Pegasos and then can shut down the ATX-power pack of the Pegasos. It is released by little tool developed by Guido Meersmann which controls the connection with the help of the trackdisk.device.


The tool "MotorTool_MOSPPC" must be renamed to "Shutdown" and then copied to MOSSYS:C. After building and connecting the hardware now you can shut down the computer with entering "Shutdown" in a Shell-window.

Some versions of Ambient contain the menu point "shut down" - because this also calls up MOSSYS:C/Shutdown the command should shut down the computer as well.

The author points out that he gives no liability if there should be any harm to the hardware which are caused by copying this wiring. You also should have a closer look at the Readme in the programm archive "Motortool.lha".

Construction guidance: Pegasos-Hardwarehack.pdf
Motor tool: MotorTool.lha
trackdisk.device: Downloadseite (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 15. Aug. 2006, 18:09] [Comments: 0]
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