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DTP: Pagestream status update
In an email newsletter explains Dan Kilroy from Grasshopper LLC the current status of the DTP application Pagestream:

Haage&Partner are no longer the German distributor for Pagestream. As new partners are the Alinea Gmbh mentioned and another company that is still to be announced. Unfortunately they have no access to the data of users who are registrated at Haage&Partner, these users are called to contact one of the current Pagestream distributors for support and anew registration. They hope to get soon access to the domain registrated by H&P, too.

The online documentation is being reworked step by step, the latest changes can be accessed under Documentation->Recent. Until now the chapters "Getting started", "Lessons" and "Document chapters" are revised, the chapter "Text" is being worked on. The general overhaul of the documentation is about 40% completed.

The online documentation now shows screenshots of the user's preferred operating system. For this you have to set the OS under "My Profile". People who want to contribute screenshots can do so by clicking on any screenshot. On the following page there's the possibility for registered users to upload further versions of this screenshot.

The current beta version of Pagestream will be replaced next week by version Users registered at will be notified automatically via email. New among other things are new keyboard shortcuts, numerous bugfixes, the possibility to edit the changelog of a Pagestream document, some new scripting instructions and some smaller changes within the GUI. (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 22. Jul. 2006, 16:19] [Comments: 0]
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