Edgar Schwan (ANF)
AmigaOS 4: Prerelease of X-Window
Edgar Schwan released a prerelease of X-Window for AmigaOS 4.
This is a complete Unix-environment, which is the basement for ports from
the Linux-World.
Following Components are included:
- X-Server X11R6.3 (68k-Version from the GeekGadgets-Project)
- over 70 Standard-Clients like xclock, xcalc, xman, ...
- a Toolbar a simple launching of Programs
- Examples to demonstrat the several GUI-Toolkits:
- Xgalaga + Xmahjong (X11)
- The Cardgame "Forty Thieves" (wxWidgets)
- A Demo-Program from the GTK-Package (GTK+)
- A Program to konfigurate the screen backround
All Clients are nativ for AmigaOS 4. In case of the pre-status is it
possible that the contents of this package will be varying.
For further information read the Readme-File.
Download: x11.tgz (47 MB) (snx) (Translation: aj)
[News message: 29. May. 2006, 20:09] [Comments: 0]
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