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Thorsten Mampel, 1.Vorsitzender ACH (ANF)

Event: Seventh Amiga-Meeting Nord in Bad Bramstedt
The seventh Amiga Meeting North will be start in Bad Bramstedt (northern of Hamburg/Germany) from Friday 13.October until Sunday 15.October. For 40 Computer is it possible to install network.

Planed are:
  • a presentation of actuel Hard- and Software-developments around the Amiga
  • Exibithion of the Computer-Museums Kiel
  • Demo- and Filmscreening with a beamer
  • A secondhand Hard- and Software-market for free (Amigas and expansions)
  • Producment of a Party-CD performed by participants
  • Network with Internet via DSL
  • Webcam
First the fun is importent. Also for the organizer it is importent to give the last Hard and Software developers a public possibility to present the products. So all developers must be pay only the half price for one weekend (37,50 instead 75 Euro for the weekend).

For further information please ask Thorsten Mampel.

For all Amiga-user (AmigaOS 1-4, MorphOS, AROS and Emulator-user) is linked to the header a registration form or call up the Hotel Tanneneck Norbert Kapahnke direkly under 0049 4192 500071.

  • Friday until Sunday including two overnight stays and two times lunch and breakfast 75,- Euro
  • Friday until Saturday or Saturday until Sunday one overnight stay and one time lunch and breakfast 37,50 Euro
  • for the dailyguest 5,- Euro (a registration is only required if a place for the computer is needed!)
(snx) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 29. May. 2006, 20:03] [Comments: 0]
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