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Aminet: Uploads til 29.01.2006
Aminet-Uploads since our last report:
Smart_SMBFS.lha           comm/net      10K  GEN  smart mount/demount script for SMBFS
CTorrentUI.lha            comm/tcp      74K  OS3  GUI for CTorrent v1.4.3 (BitTorrent clie
TimeLess.lha              demo/euro    203K  OS4  Scene Demo From 1994 , lots and lots of 
Fastidium.lha             demo/mag     672K  OS3  DiNX Project Polish Scene Magazine: Fast
SAFIntroForThePartyV.lha  demo/tp95     48K  OS3  SaF Intro For The Party V - NoAGA MULTIT
CapsDeviceDevBas.lha      dev/basic     39K  OS3  Using CAPSimage device from HBasic
xa-mos.lha                dev/cross    190K  MOS  6502/65816 cross assembler
awk.lha                   dev/misc     331K  OS4  awk, a programming language
coreutils-bin.lha         dev/misc     4.6M  OS4  GNU core utilities
libart_lgpl.lha           dev/misc     147K  OS4  libart_lgpl - A fast 2D Graphical librar
libfribidi.lha            dev/misc     296K  OS4  GNU FriBidi is an implementation of the 
AmsterServerList.lha      docs/misc      4K  GEN  Amster Server List
WwPartCale2006-ITA.lha    docs/misc      3K  GEN  2006 italian calendar made with Wordwort
scummvm-frak.lha          game/misc    2.7M  OS4  Point-and-Click adventure interpreter
Easy1541.lha              misc/emu     137K  OS3  Full package to manage a 1541 Drive 1.3.
DED_FFA1.mp3              mods/anakir  1.6M  GEN  "begin to fear" FFA track 1 by DeadPOP 0
DED_FFA2.mp3              mods/anakir  1.7M  GEN  "grit" FFA track 2 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFA3.mp3              mods/anakir  2.0M  GEN  "disdance" FFA track 3 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFA4.mp3              mods/anakir  2.7M  GEN  "placid" FFA track 4 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFA5.mp3              mods/anakir  1.9M  GEN  "astroturf" FFA track 5 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFA6.mp3              mods/anakir  2.6M  GEN  "killygirl" FFA track 6 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFA7.mp3              mods/anakir  874K  GEN  "punx dead" FFA track 7 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFA8.mp3              mods/anakir  3.4M  GEN  "useless c---" FFA track 8 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFA9.mp3              mods/anakir  1.3M  GEN  "muvaf--inc---z" FFA track 9 by DeadPOP 
DED_FFAa.mp3              mods/anakir  1.4M  GEN  "anthrax spores" FFA track 10 by DeadPOP
DED_FFAb.mp3              mods/anakir  2.2M  GEN  "ten k" FFA track 11 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFAc.mp3              mods/anakir  3.6M  GEN  "bodily fluid" FFA track 12 by DeadPOP 0
DED_FFAd.mp3              mods/anakir  1.4M  GEN  "astroi" FFA track 13 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFAe.mp3              mods/anakir  1.6M  GEN  "undastandin" FFA track 14 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFAf.mp3              mods/anakir  1.7M  GEN  "rebellion" FFA track 15 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFAg.mp3              mods/anakir  1.9M  GEN  "kobi" FFA track 16 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFAh.mp3              mods/anakir  5.0M  GEN  "but kiss her" FFA track 17 by DeadPOP 0
DED_FFAi.mp3              mods/anakir  2.0M  GEN  "like a cat" FFA track 18 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFAj.mp3              mods/anakir  1.5M  GEN  "henry ford" FFA track 19 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFAk.mp3              mods/anakir  1.8M  GEN  "L.F.U." FFA track 20 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFAl.mp3              mods/anakir  1.1M  GEN  "crusty" FFA track 21 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFAm.mp3              mods/anakir  1.3M  GEN  "out of it" FFA track 22 by DeadPOP 01
ADPCM_dec.lha             mus/misc      29K  OS3  Decoder for Christian Buchner's ADPCM pa
sapmaker-mos.lha          mus/misc      98K  MOS  Making SAP files from Atari XL/XE's musi
waveutils-mos.lha         mus/misc     186K  MOS  Wave utilities (Info/Repair/Simplify)
PTPlayLibrary.lha         mus/play      75K  VAR  Play ("decode") protracker modules
EVSkullflags.lha          pix/icon      93K  GEN  Patch with Skullflags for Eye Viewer 2.x
aoneshampoing.jpg         pix/misc     330K  GEN  Funny picture about the AmigaOne (in Fre
ikir_theme.lha            pix/theme    1.1M  GEN  ikir's Amiga OS4 Theme
Amigaz_OS3.9.png          pix/wb       549K  GEN  My A4000 OS3.9 desktop
BareED.lha                text/edit    347K  OS3  Text editor supporting proportional font
twiglets.lha              text/misc      5K  OS4  Make big text from normal fonts
d64tozipcode_aos4.lha     util/arc      35K  OS4  Converts D64 image files to Zipcode form
unrar-bin.lha             util/arc     161K  OS4  Unpacks RAR files
unrar-src.lha             util/arc     140K  GEN  Unpacks RAR files - source
unzip-bin.lha             util/arc     148K  OS4  UnZIP - binary archive
unzip-src.lha             util/arc     1.3M  GEN  UnZIP - source archive
zip-bin.lha               util/arc     154K  OS4  Zip
zip-src.lha               util/arc     905K  GEN  zip source archive
disappear101.lha          util/batch     1K  GEN  shell script to wipe out unwanted volume
StackAttack2.lha          util/boot      7K  OS3  Set minimum stack size for new processes
DirSize_IL.lha            util/cli      45K  VAR  Calculate directory sizes (68k + MorphOS
akGIF-dt.lha              util/dtype    43K  VAR  akGIF-dt V45.31 (GIF, 68000-060/MOS)
WarpJPEGdt.lha            util/dtype   187K  VAR  JFIF-JPEG datatype V45.5 (68k,OS4,WarpOS
StormMesa_Archive.lha     util/libs    1.9M  GEN  Sources for StormMesa 3.1 / AMesa
StormMesa_Demos168K.lha   util/libs    524K  OS3  Demos for StormMesa 3.1
StormMesa_Demos1PPC.lha   util/libs    483K  WUP  Demos for StormMesa 3.1
StormMesa_Demos268K.lha   util/libs    907K  OS3  Demos for StormMesa 3.1
StormMesa_Demos2PPC.lha   util/libs    677K  WUP  Demos for StormMesa 3.1
StormMesa_Demos368K.lha   util/libs    896K  OS3  Demos for StormMesa 3.1
StormMesa_Demos3PPC.lha   util/libs    655K  WUP  Demos for StormMesa 3.1
StormMesa_Demos468K.lha   util/libs    536K  OS3  Demos for StormMesa 3.1
StormMesa_Demos4PPC.lha   util/libs    517K  WUP  Demos for StormMesa 3.1
StormMesa_Demos568K.lha   util/libs    1.0M  OS3  Demos for StormMesa 3.1
StormMesa_Demos5PPC.lha   util/libs    730K  WUP  Demos for StormMesa 3.1
StormMesa_Demos668K.lha   util/libs    1.0M  OS3  Demos for StormMesa 3.1
StormMesa_Demos6PPC.lha   util/libs    841K  WUP  Demos for StormMesa 3.1
StormMesa_Dev.lha         util/libs    397K  VAR  StormMesa Developer archive
StormMesa_LibsPPC.lha     util/libs    503K  WUP  MESA/OpenGL implementation for AmigaOS
StormMesa_Src.lha         util/libs    1.5M  GEN  StormMesa 3.1 - The sources for GL, GLU 
StormMesa_VPerf68K.lha    util/libs    164K  OS3  StormMesa/OpenGL benchmark program
StormMesa_VPerfPPC.lha    util/libs    149K  WUP  StormMesa/OpenGL benchmark program
zlibrary.lha              util/libs     41K  OS4  zlib core as a shared library for AmigaO
AslToRT.lha               util/misc     31K  OS3  Asl/Arp/Req/Intuition/RT requester to RT
flite-ahi-bin.lha         util/misc     15M  OS4  Flite: speech synthesis engine (with AHI
NoLed.lha                 util/misc     19K  OS3  Low-Pass Filter Killer
zhxpk.lha                 util/pack     27K  OS4  zhxpk - (un)packer using xpk
isomount122.lha           util/rexx      5K  GEN  mounts CD isos, 1.44mo pc and 880ko Amig
wet.lha                   util/wb      668K  OS4  Weather conditions on Workbench 4, AppIc
(cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 30. Jan. 2006, 02:46] [Comments: 0]
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