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30.Jan.2006 Uploads til 29.01.2006 uploads since our last report:
timeless.lha       dem/sce  202kb  Scene Demo From 1994 , lots and lots of 
zlibrary.lha       dev/lib   40kb  zlib core as a shared library for AmigaO
scummvm-frak.lha   gam/adv    2Mb  Point-and-Click adventure interpreter
coreutils-bin.lha  dev/uti    4Mb  GNU core utilities
libfribidi.lha     dev/lib  295kb  GNU FriBidi is an implementation of the 
depthmenu.lha      uti/wor  106kb  Popup menu for depth gadgets.
awk.lha            dev/lan  330kb  awk the text processing language
libart_lgpl.lha    dev/lib  146kb  libart_lgpl - A fast 2D Graphical librar
zhxpk.lha          uti/arc   26kb  zhxpk - (un)packer using xpk
d64tozipcode.lha   uti/fil   34kb  Converts D64 image files to Zipcode form
flite-ahi-bin.lha  aud/mis   15Mb  Flite: speech synthesis engine (with AHI
unzip-bin.lha      uti/arc  147kb  UnZIP - binary archive
unzip-src.lha      uti/arc    1Mb  UnZIP - source archive
zip-bin.lha        uti/arc  154kb  Zip
zip-src.lha        uti/arc  905kb  zip source archive
twiglets.lha       uti/tex    5kb  Make big text from normal fonts
wet.lha            uti/wor  668kb  Weather conditions on Workbench 4, AppIc
unrar-bin.lha      uti/arc  160kb  Unpacks RAR files
unrar-src.lha      uti/arc  140kb  Unpacks RAR files - source
(cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 30. Jan. 2006, 02:46] [Comments: 0]
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