Aminet: Uploads until 07.08.2005
Here are the new Aminet uploads since our last posting:
DBPro221.lha biz/demo 519K OS3 DigiBoosterPro Demo
micq_0.5.0.4_mos.lha comm/net 1.0M MOS MICQ
mpgtx_1.3.1_mos.lha comm/net 113K MOS Mpgtx 1.3.1
BabelDoc.lha comm/tcp 40K OS3 Translate docs or strings from one langu
tidy_mos.lha comm/www 413K MOS HTML tidy (22.07.2005)
Versionize.lha dev/c 36K OS3 Tool to update build number and time
dasm.lha dev/cross 518K VAR Multi-CPU cross assembler
lc2.lha dev/misc 40K OS4 Port of lc2 C/C++ source line counter
liblcms.lha dev/misc 182K OS4 A port of LCMS - A free color management
libmng.lha dev/misc 427K OS4 Multiple-image Network Graphics Library
temgen.lha dev/misc 269K OS3 Template generator & Amigamain template
mcc_nlist-0.97.lha dev/mui 612K VAR NList custom classes for MUI (v0.97)
mcc_texteditor-15.16.lha dev/mui 335K VAR Texteditor custom class for MUI (v15.16)
mcc_toolbar-15.12.lha dev/mui 106K VAR Toolbar custom class for MUI (v15.12) [O
M2Master.lha game/data 105K OS3 New Levels and Editor for Marblelous 2
JaktarDemo2.lha game/demo 259K OS3 Playable Demo from JAKTAR
SeaSideDemoD.lha game/demo 8.0M OS3 German Demo from the game SeaSide
SeaSideDemoE.lha game/demo 8.1M OS3 English Demo from the game SeaSide
adv770.lha game/text 860K OS3 Text adventure Adv770
prism2.lha hard/drivr 138K VAR Driver for 11Mbps wireless network cards
aifc2wav_4.lha mus/edit 20K MOS Aifc2wav
playOGG.lha mus/play 983K OS3 Plays OGG, MP3, FLAC, VOB, AC3, RA, mods
PygmIconsGL_D3.lha pix/gicon 854K all PygmiconsGL_D2 - GlowIcons Demo pack vol
PygmIconsNX_D3.lha pix/nicon 599K all PygmiconsNX_D2 - NewIcons xtd (eXTenD) D
PygmIconsNX_G3.lha pix/nicon 2.0M all PygmiconsNX_G2 - NewIcons xtd (eXTenD) G
HTMLstrip.lha text/hyper 28K OS3 HTML stripper which can also replace HTM
Next.lha text/show 153K OS3 Viewer for text/guides/html/datatypes
DM_con_LL.lha util/dir 8K all My DiskMaster2 configuration and associa
AutoUpdateWB.lha util/wb 20K VAR Automatic updating of WB drawer windows
(cg) (Translation: nba)
[News message: 08. Aug. 2005, 01:54] [Comments: 0]
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