os4depot.net: Uploads until 07.08.2005
These are the latest uploads to the os4depot.net added since our last
simoami.zip gra/the 2Mb OS4 theme
mpegadt.lha dat/sou 19kb play mpeg audio files (mp3)
wookiechat.lha net/cha 399kb IRC Client (Internet Relay Chat)
dasm.lha dev/cro 518kb Multi-CPU cross assembler
lc2.lha dev/mis 40kb Port of lc2 C/C++ source line counter
amixp.lha gra/the 530kb Gui theme for Amiga OS 4
bup_apache.lha net/ser 14kb Backup your Apache most importen files
liblcms.lha dev/lib 182kb A port of LCMS - A free color management engine
libmng.lha dev/lib 427kb Multiple-image Network Graphics Library
themes.lha gra/the 1Mb New Themes for the New Intuition
mcc_texteditor.lha lib/mui 335kb Texteditor custom class for MUI (v15.16)
(cg) (Translation: nba)
[News message: 08. Aug. 2005, 00:33] [Comments: 0]
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