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Aminet: uploads till March 20th, 2005
Here are the new Aminet uploads since our last posting:
showtip.lha                 biz/patch   26K   OS4 ShowTip for SoundFX (SFX)
wookiechat.lha              comm/irc    423K  IRC Client (Internet Relay Chat)
rayrace.lha                 demo/file   66K   Realtime Raytracing Engine demo for OS4
robodoc_mos.lha             dev/misc    55K   Autodocs processor (txt/guide/html/latex/
Amiga-Mania.lha             docs/anno   3K    Real Amiga-Mania World IRC Channel in NaN
AmigaChannel.lha            docs/anno   3K    Real Amiga-Mania World IRC Channel in NaN
AmigaWorld.lha              docs/anno   3K    Real Amiga-Mania World IRC Channel in NaN
RealAmigaWorld.txt          docs/anno   8K    Real Amiga-Mania World IRC Channel in NaN
AMIthlon_CD.lha             docs/help   180K  How to make an updated bootable AMIthlon
AmigaPower.lha              docs/hyper  61K   AMiGa=PoWeR French Amiga Magazine (12 Mar
lbreakout2_mos.lha          game/actio  2.8M  LBreakout2 is a free Breakout clone
DC2Lvl-EMine7.lha           game/data   394K  81 levels for Diamond Caves II
amines.lha                  game/misc   349K  NES Emulator
BTCE.lha                    game/misc   91K   Bard's Tale 1/2 Character Editor
smsplus.lha                 game/misc   391K  Sega Master System / Game Gear emulator
tgemu.lha                   game/misc   350K  TGEmu / NEC PC-16 emulator
warpsnes.lha                game/misc   1.6M  Nintendo SNES Emulator (WarpSNES)
gse.lha                     game/patch  17K   Editor for Gunship2000 roster files
lpairs-1.0.lha              game/think  625K  A nice memory-game for OS4, with sources
ltris.lha                   game/think  1.1M  A beautiful Tetris-clone for OS4, with so
ofour.lha                   gfx/misc    1.1M  OS 4 styled skin for Morph OS
Sv5-1.lha                   gfx/misc    638K  SView5 V1.60 (13.3.2005) 68k/MOS - Part 1
Sv5-2.lha                   gfx/misc    157K  SView5 V1.60 (13.3.2005) 68k/MOS - Part 2
Sv5-3a.lha                  gfx/misc    127K  SView5 V1.60 (13.3.2005) 68k/MOS - Part 3
Sv5-3b.lha                  gfx/misc    332K  SView5 V1.60 (13.3.2005) 68k/MOS - Part 3
Sv5-4.lha                   gfx/misc    38K   SView5 V1.60 (13.3.2005) 68k/MOS - Part 4
Sv5-5.lha                   gfx/misc    147K  SView5 V1.60 (13.3.2005) 68k/MOS - Part 5
Sv5-6.lha                   gfx/misc    579K  SView5 V1.60 (13.3.2005) 68k/MOS - Part 6
Sv5-7.lha                   gfx/misc    158K  SView5 V1.60 (13.3.2005) 68k/MOS - Part 7
xmamegui.lha                misc/emu    160K  GUI for the OS4 xMAME port v0.12
defraq-shadow.mpg           mods/mpg    1.0M  Mp3 by defraq
my_sfx_toolbar.lha          mus/edit    27K   An arexx-toolbar for SoundFX. Needs AWN-P
TheX0XPackage.lha           mus/edit    44K   A set of editors for the TR-X0X & TB303
AC97mixer21.lha             mus/misc    27K   Sound card control program
freedb_copytracks.lha       mus/misc    10K   ARexx script for FreeDB to create MP3 tra
simpleplay.lha              mus/play    501K  Music player - OGG, WAV, VOC, MOD, S3M, I
sorcier-glouton.jpg         pix/illu    66K   Drawing picture of a sorcier glouton (gre
AP30Covers.lha              pix/misc    348K  AMiGa=PoWeR n°30 Covers Recto & Verso
APLKonwerter.lha            text/misc   8K    Convert files: AmigaPL<->Windows (RxMUI)
bzip2_1.0.3.lha             util/arc    487K  Bzip2
Tree178.lha                 util/cli    20K   Lists Directory content tree-like
MathLibs881.lha             util/libs   56K   IEEE-libs best for WinUAE +src +bonus r8
ttengine.lha                util/libs   591K  TrueType text rendering engine (v 7.0)
idle1_6.lha                 util/moni   15K   A (working) A68K cpu monitor
qdirgzip.lha                util/pack   30K   Gzips files as separate entities in given
wet.lha                     util/wb     314K  Show weather conditions on Workbench (OS4
(cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 20. Mar. 2005, 21:26] [Comments: 0]
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