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Chris Perver (ANF)

EvenMore: Textviewer now with datatype support
A new Datatypes plugin is available, allowing EvenMore to load any text document supported by datatypes (e.g. via DocDatatypes, etc). The executable and Generic plugin have been modified to allow this Datatype plugin to work.

EvenMore plugins take precedence over the Datatypes. If you have a document that you prefer opened via a datatype rather than through an EvenMore plugin, simply delete the EvenMore plugin (not forgetting to flush the memory), and reload the file.

I have also fixed a major problem with the language catalogs. Unfortunately I had deleted some unused strings in the executable, and this meant some strings appeared in the wrong place. Make sure you download the new executable and the EasyGUI Prefs plugin to fix this. Thanks!

The new versions of EvenMore and its extensions can be downloaded under the title link in the Download and the Plugins area, respectively. (snx)

[News message: 20. Mar. 2005, 09:13] [Comments: 0]
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