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29.Jan.2005 (website)

Guru Meditation (Sweden) offers AmigaOne XE repairs
The Swedish Amiga retailer Guru Meditation offers a repair service for the USB and DMA/Ethernet faults of the AmigaOne XE. Please notice that the warranty will cease by doing the repair.

If you are interested in a repair you can contact Guru Meditation via e-mail. You then get a booking number sent. Please send your board only after receiving this booking number and package it with care, if possible by using the original packaging. Take also care to avoid damage caused by statical electrostatic charging. In addition should heavy heatsinks be particularly wrapped for the transport. An insured parcel is recommended.

If you bought your AmigaOne board at Guru Meditation you only pay the sending. Otherwise you have to pay an additional 30 Euros for the repair. The time for repairing and sending is an estimated two weeks from the day on you send the board.

Additionally they offer the installation of a Swiftech heatsink free of charge if you buy it in conjunction with the board repair at Guru Meditation. (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 29. Jan. 2005, 11:10] [Comments: 0]
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