Amigart (Website)
PC Magazine: John C. Dvorak mentioned AmigaOS 4.0
On issue from 4th May 2004 John C. Dvorak mentioned in US-American PC Magazine
on page 65 after MorphOS (amiga-news.de reported)
also AmigaOS 4.0 and called the competition between the two PPC operating systems as
possible lucky chance for the desktop computers.
He wrote: "Amiga Not Dead Yet Dept.: When I wrote about the MorphOS initiative, essentially a clean-room redesign of the Amiga OS for the PowerPC, I failed to mention that there is still a lively pure-amiga crowd that is developing a new OS for a PowerPC iteration of the original Amiga. OS4's implementation should modernize and perhaps revitalize the platform. A competition between these two camps could be the best thing to happen to desktop computing in decades."
(snx) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 07. May. 2004, 11:54] [Comments: 0]
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