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John C. Dvorak's article about MorphOS released in the "PC Magazine"
In the US-American PC Magazine wrote the columnist and TV presenter John C. Dvorak an article about MorphOS.

In his positive description of the operating system Dvorak talked about the developers having morphed the architectur of the AmigaOS - maybe the best code ever used on a desktop computer - in the truest sense to adapt it to the PowerPC. The Pegasos by Genesi also got a brief mention.

After a short paragraph about CHRP (Common Hardware Reference Platform) and Apple's temporary license for clone manufacturer the author comes to the USB compatibility of MorphOS, mentions the micro kernel "Quark" and touches on the A and Q-Box of the operating system.

Regarding the chances of this newcomer Dvorak talks about the enthusiasm of the MorphOS community and points out the formerly by Nintendo and Sega dominated consoles market that did also change in a serious way.

He ends his article with a summary of the career of the "unbelievably hot computer" the Amiga once had been and his opinion that this time - here MorphOS is meant - may well go better. The URL for finishes the article. (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 06. Mar. 2004, 11:16] [Comments: 0]
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