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Thorsten Mampel, 1. Vorsitzender Amiga-Club Hamburg e.V. (ANF)

"5. Amiga-Meeting Nord" in Bad Bramstedt
During Friday the 29th October till Sunday the 31st October 2004 there will be the 5. Amiga-Meeting Nord held at Bad Bramstedt, a bit north from Hamburg, Germany. Up to 40 computers can be brought up and get connected.

Planned is:
  • Beamer demo and film presentations
  • Hard and Software market (Amigas and accessoires) free of charge
  • Creation of a party CD by the participants
  • Network with Internet access (DSL)
  • Webcam
  • Further more...
Of course the main focus will be set to the fun of it.

This year we want to offer the remaining hard and software developers the possibility to introduce their products to a broader audience. It is planned to record a movie from those presentations and to put that to the Internet and cover disks.

Developers interested in this are welcome to contact Thorsten Mampel to check the details.

All Amiga users (AmigaOS 1 to 4, MorphOS and Emulator users) are invited to register at our homepage or directly at the Hotel "Tanneneck" speaking to Norbert Kapahnke on phone by +49 4192 500071.

The fees:
  • For the full weekend from Fri to Sun including two nights, twice a full dinner (warm) and twice a (continental, buffet) breakfast the fee is EUR 75.-.
  • For the half weekend from Fri to Sat or from Sat to Sun including one night, one full diner (warm) and one breakfast (continental, buffet) the fee is EUR 37.50.
  • for a day only guest the fee is EUR 5.- (registration not urgent, those day guests who plan to bring their own computer must register also!).
(snx) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 28. Apr. 2004, 08:01] [Comments: 0]
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