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Important information for IOSPIRIT-customers regarding backup copies
In order to be able to offer you a further improved service and a better structured website, we are soon re-launching our website.

As this goes hand in hand with switching to a new website-system, we want to kindly ask our customers to check for safety copies (on safe media such as CD-R, etc.) of the download versions they bought from us until the 18th of September 2003. If no safety copies exist, these should be created now and - if required - we'll reactivate expired downloads to support this (also see end of the message).

After the 18th of September 2003 these files will no longer be available - also not on request.

The only exception to this are purchases of the respectively latest versions of our products (e.g. fxPAINT 2.0, fxSCAN 4.0, VHI Studio 6.0, IBrowse 2.3, ..). For purchases of older versions as online-versions (e.g. fxSCAN 3.0, fxPAINT 1.5, VHI Studio 5.x, ..), we strongly recommend to make safety-copies until this date, since we won't be able to grant access to these files after this 18th of September 2003.

If another unlocking of downloads should be required, please write an email to "unlockdownloads AT iospirit DOT de".

We are already looking forward to soon welcome you to our new website. (nba)

[News message: 11. Sep. 2003, 13:09] [Comments: 0]
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