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Cyborg (ANF)

VCD Save Version 0.2 Appears
The graphic interface of "VCD Save" has been adapted to the new NewGUI System, this means that the GUI may now be adapted to the needs of the user without rewriting the program entirely. With the help of the automatic snapshot function of NewGUI all gadgets are positioned in the places they were when the program last ended. Gadgets may be expanded or shrunk when the user presses CTRL when he clicks on the border being changed. When the user presses on the left SHIFT key the gadget is moved. The save routine has been modified in order to allow the saving of captions on SVCDs. It is possible with VCD Save to copy VideoCD tracks directly to the hard-drive, something for which AllegroCDFS was required up until now. (nba) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 11. Sep. 2003, 09:50] [Comments: 0]
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