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Carsten Siegner (ANF)

Player: Amiga-Mediaplayer V1 full version
Today Carsten Siegner has finished work on the first version of his player 'Amiga-Mediaplayer' and released this version.
  • Multimedia program with transparent GUI (TV, Radio, Mediastreamer)
  • Context sensitive (Mediastream, TV, Radio)
  • With the help of FroggerNG nearly all formats can be replayed (Mediastream, Video, Audio)
  • If you have Amithlon with AmithlonTV installed you can enjoy a transparent TV window. This can then, if the TV card also has a radio tuner, switch to a radio window.
  • The TV part gets its TV prefs from TV-Watch.
  • The radio part has its own prefs file which can be edited with an editor.
  • The radio and TV part have 7 channel buttons each for programs. This is arranged as in TV-Watch, except no radio settings are taken over from the TV-Watch prefs.
  • Furthermore, you can turn on or switch between TV card inputs (VHS1, VHS2, SVHS1), and change audio settings (Stereo, Mono, Channel1, Channel2 and Mute).
  • In addition to the seven program buttons, the radio part also has two realtime frequency controllers. With these you can set the radio tuner frequency.
  • The radio part has a frequency display (in MHz) where you can read the tuner's current frequency.
  • Changer window for context choice.
  • Integrated some shortcuts.
  • Amithlon (full functionality)
  • Amiga (68k, WOS, PPC, MOS), TV and radio part not activated
  • Functioning AmithlonTV 2.07-beta installation (incl. Smear)
  • TV card with radio tuner
  • Functioning FroggerNG 2.05 installation (with Key)
  • Functioning ARexx
  • AHI
  • For Amithlon: AC97 mixer (or else the Sound card won't be initialised)

Just copy (nothing else) the libs appropriate for you system into the "Workbench:Libs" directory. That's it.

The Mediaplayer can then be started directly from the installation directory.

If Fogger is not installed or not installed correctly, an ASL requester appears asking for the Frogger path.

Upon starting the Mediaplayer first searches for system programs like RX etc. These have to be located in the SYS: directory, otherwise Mediaplayer won't start properly.

After the start of the Mediaplayers the TV window has to be restarted once, otherwise the audio part of the TV card isn't initialised, and no sound can be heard.

This, however, has to be done only once. On restarts of the Mediaplayer or the TV window the TV card is properly recognised.

  • Audio export of TV and Radio sound into an AIFF file.
Download: Mediaplayer-1.lzx (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 29. Dec. 2002, 21:22] [Comments: 0]
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