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Alt-WoA 2003: New venue
The organisators of the 'Alt-WoA 2003' have opted for a new venue. Instead of at the 'Old Corn Mill' in Huddersfield, England, the Alt-WoA will now be held at the 'Kirkdale Conference Centre'. This is located a mile from the original venue.

Pictures, a map as well as information about the Centre are published on the Alt-WoA Web site.

The reason for the change is the closure of the 'Old Corn Mill' since mid-November for ca. 22 weeks. And the organisers' insecurity about whether or not the new owners will offer a suitable space for the event afterwards.

Amiga Inc. and Hyperion have already assured their attendance. A confirmation from Eyetech is being awaited to then start the preparations.

An exact date has not yet been published on the site. (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 29. Dec. 2002, 17:12] [Comments: 0]
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