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Audio: AHI/PPC 6 only for MorphOS and AmigaOS 4
Martin Blom, the developer of the soundcard driver system AHI, has reiterated that there will be neither PowerUp nor WarpUp versions. There is only the MorphOS version (available) and the AmigaOS 4 version (planned).

Here is his original announcement:

"Yes, indeed, today is November 7th, not July 11th. Anyway, I've been asked to clarify one thing regarding the PPC version of AHI. There will be no WarpUp version, nor will there be any PowerUp version. The reason is that neither of these two systems allow PPC code to be invoked from within an interrupt?, which is an absolute requirement for AHI. The current PPC version is for MorphOS only. In the future, I hope to have an AmigaOS 4 version as well.

1) While it should have been obvious by reading the PowerUp documentation, there is nothing in the WarpUp documentation or the actual design that suggests that it will not work; in WarpUp, it could be possible if the implementation had allowed it. In any case, the days when I could be bothered to write for a mixed CPU system are since long gone..." (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 07. Nov. 2002, 19:06] [Comments: 0]
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