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Hyperion Entertainment (ANF)

Quake2 Amiga Port Available
On the 2nd of November 2002 at the WOASE convention in London, Quake 2 for AmigaOS officially went on sale. The game was demonstrated in a "Death Match" between three Amigas. It ran a custom level which was specially created for the convention. The network server was a PC, in order to demonstrate that PC users and Amigans may play in the same TCP/IP multiplayer network, however naturally an Amiga could also be used as a server. The Quake2 packet for Amiga contains an easy-to-use installer script, a startup GUI, and documentation in AmigaGuide format, including the original version of Quake2 for Windows, which contains the data files.

Over 55 Quake2 mods are to be offered for Quake2 through different channels, including the Internet.

Quake2 for AmigaOS will become available from your local Amiga dealer sometime this week. The price may vary from dealer to dealer.

Hyperion Entertainment (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 07. Nov. 2002, 18:57] [Comments: 0]
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