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RUX - Günther Klug v. Biedermann (ANF)

TurboCalc Going Open Source?
There's about a fifty percent chance that TurboCalc will go open source.

Motivated by the free release of AWeb and other programs, I wrote TurboCalc author Michael Friedrich a couple weeks ago, to ask if he might entrust TurboCalc to another programmer or programming group for further development.

Observation: TurboCalc is a spreadsheet (table calculation) program, such as Lotus 1-2-3 (tm) or Excel (tm) for PCs, or MaxiPlan (tm) for the Amiga.

I got an answer the day before yesterday (excerpt):

Subject: RE: Open Source TurboCalc
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 08:40:51 +0100
the idea of open source sounds good, but I am not so sure if others would enjoy working with my code:

300,000 lines of sparsely commented assembler code is not going to be easy to read, even I had some problems with it :-)
I'll write you again.
Cordially, Michael

His comments so far. Certainly he will want to confer with Stefan Ossowski of GTI.

To raise some question (and spur discussion):
  • What do past, present (and eventually new) TurboCalc users think of using a further developed TurboCalc? Please don't write a list of requirements of WHAT needs to be improved or added. You'll get a chance to express these comments!

  • Are there programmers who are CAPABLE (this genre is not the simplest) and who WANT to develop Turbocalc further? I'll do what I can to help and encourage as a Betatester from the start.
I'll be happy to hear sincere comments and discussion. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 31. Oct. 2002, 12:55] [Comments: 0]
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