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RP-Online: Philips don't want to tolerate problems with copyprotected music CDs
»Some copy protected music CDs don't work with several CD or DVD players. If a note about that is missing at the cover this is a fault. Customers might bring in that case the CD back to the dealer and demand their money back.
The Philips company, the inventor of the CD technique and licenser for "Compact Discs", doesn't want to tolerate this fault anymore. Philips manager Gijs Wirtz said to "Computerbild": "CDs, which engender problems by replaying them do not fulfill the rule for a Compact Disc. A real CD should work with every device. Even with CD ROM drives, DVD and car CD players."«
Complete article (German) by the title link. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 30. Oct. 2002, 22:55] [Comments: 0]
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