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Karl (ANF)

WWW browser: Path-Amiga V0.6
Alexander Weber is currently programming a new WWW browser for Amiga systems. He writes on his web site:

"Path-Amiga is my attempt to write a web browser. It isn't very usable yet, but that will hopefully change soon.

I started with this project somewhen in the second half of 2001, because I wanted to learn to write AmigaOS programs with multiple threads. After I had a program that could open and close some windows, I thought I could perhaps make a web browser out of this, just as a challenge. And the result is this."

The browser runs from AmigaOS V3.5.

Download: path.lha (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 15. Sep. 2002, 19:53] [Comments: 0]
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