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Ein Liker (ANF)

Music: Tim Wright on the Web (Psygnosis' domestic composer)
Ein Liker writes:
it is not news in the original sense, still I regard the link interesting enough :)

Tim Wright, the famous domestic composer of Psygnosis, former Amiga games forge with titles the likes of 'Shadow of the Beast', who are now an inhouse team at Sony, has for some time now had his personal domicil under

There you can find, besides 9 MP3s (a.o.t. two revamped songs from Wipeout, which btw were created using Bars&Pipes on an Amiga), also the two original tunes from the graphics classic 'AGONY', which in this form never managed it into the game, incl. interesting background stories. Additionally there are also the original modules from 'Shadow of the Beast II' and 'SotB III' (the music from 'Shadow of the Beast I' was done by Richard Joseph).

And finally you may contact Tim Wright directly, via eMail and forum, and maybe motivate him to produce further mixes of his old Amiga songs. (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 15. Sep. 2002, 19:48] [Comments: 2 - 17. Sep. 2002, 13:05]
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