Dennis Lohr (e-mail)
Music: Schlachtfeld "2" - intro soundtrack release
The strategy game "Schlachtfeld" which is still in development and currently
ported from the original AMOS game to a new C version of course requires
a music soundtrack. Horst Diebel, leader of the project, has hired the
musician Psyria for this task.
To get an impression of the game's soundtrack you'll find the final intro
soundtrack exclusively as MP3 (about 3 MByte) in the download area
of the Psyria homepage.
Psyria produces music projects exclusively with the AMIGA.
You can find more information on the game Schlachtfeld at the title link.
(ps) (Translation: rh)
[News message: 02. Nov. 2001, 12:53] [Comments: 0]
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