Marius Schwarz (ANF)
'Object Oriented Programming for Anybody' entered first level
Marius Schwarz wrote:
The first wattle got taken, the project OOP4A:
"Object Oriented Programming for Anybody" passed it's first
functioning test. What is this all about? Well, I don't dislike JAVA,
but on the Amiga it actually is "a bit" too slow and I would not be
able to write that with my favourit programming language. So, what would
be more clear than to develop a system for OOP in person.
Actually the concept is a quite simple one. With help of the oop.library
one can create objects and use thier methods. A preprocessor translates
the classes into extended Amiga shared libraries, which then become instanced
to objects by the oop.library.
Since it is possible to use libs on the Amiga with any popular programming language,
any language can also deal with objects. Writing a preprocessor for the language
completes circle. And because there is a fixed format for objects the class files may
be interchanged among one another.
What is required now are classes, masses of first class classes ;-)
(ps) (Translation: mj)
[News message: 01. Nov. 2001, 23:30] [Comments: 0]
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