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Anu Seilonen (ANF)

New Exhibitor and Vaporware Registration Service at Saku 2001
Finnish Amiga Users Group offers a Vaporware product registration service for visitors at Saku 2001. The group collects payments and registration forms at the venue and forwards them to Vaporware, who delivers registration keys directly to registrants via email or regular post. Service is open for everyone, membership of the user group is not required. More information about Vaporware programs can be found on their web site at

Also, Broadline Oy, a long time supporter of Saku and a well-known Finnish Amiga retailer has decided to join the fun. Broadline Oy will be selling their stock at Saku 2001.

Saku 2001 will be held on Saturday September 1st 2001 at the Science Centre Heureka in Vantaa, near Helsinki. The event will open at 12:00 and end at 18:00. Admission will be free of charge. For further information, visit Finnish Amiga Users Group's Web Site at or E-mail inquiries may be sent to Terho Henriksson (
(ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 29. Aug. 2001, 21:47] [Comments: 0]
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