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29.Aug.2001 Torsten Dudai stops drawing caricatures
Since July of 1999 Torsten Dudai has supported by drawing of outstanding caricatures. But some time ago Torsten made him self-employed in the section of webdesign. As anyone knows at the beginning of a self-employment you have to bale all your power to lead the firm to a succesful way.

On the one hand this change but on the other hand also the fact that in the Amiga sector the amount of news reduces of which you could create a caricature were the reasons why Torsten decided to stop drawing caricatures.

We are very sad about this decision but we can understand it, too. We really enjoyed the caricatures many times. The caricatures reflected very precisly the respective situation.

Torsten, we know that you will become a very great webdesigner and wish you all the best for your future!
(ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 29. Aug. 2001, 20:43] [Comments: 0]
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