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AmIRC v3.5.9beta
On 25. February 2001 Oliver Wagner has released the beta version 3.5.9 of the IRC client 'AmIRC'. This version contains various bugfixes and can only be used with keyfile. Compared with the version 3.5.6 the following has been changed among other things:
  • Bugfix: GUI - fixed text scrolling up 1 line too much in certain circumstances leaving a blank gap (Entity).
  • Bugfix: GUI - fixed crash on quitting with seperate user list(s) open (Entity).
  • Bugfix: Cmd - /DCC commands now no longer require specifying the nickname when they are typed in a query window (Entity).
  • Bugfix: GUI - fixed enforcerhit on opening userlist contextmenu (classic style) when there's more than 2 users activated (Entity).
  • Bugfix: Cmd - fixed buffer overflow caused by /HELP (and other things) (Entity).
  • Bugfix: GUI - fixed bug in text display class minwidth calculation resulting in the layouter eating all available memory and screw up bigtime (Entity).
  • Bugfix: GUI - fixed crash on entering 512 chars or more in the topic gadget (Entity).
  • Bugfix: Cmd - /QUERY <nick> <text> now causes <text> to appear in the newly opened query window instead of the window the command was issued in (Entity). </text></text></nick>
  • Bugfix: GUI - mode changes won't alter the topic string anymore when it is being edited, really this time (Entity).
  • Change: General - recompiled with full optimization (Olli).
  • Change: General - Packaged new TI and vapor_toolkit.library (Olli).
  • Change: General - raised beta timeout to 1.6.2001 (Olli).

All changes can be taken from the Readme.

Download: amirc_359beta.lzx (296K), Readme

[News message: 25. Feb. 2001, 19:54] [Comments: 0]
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