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Schatztruhe ML

GTI Takes Over the Operating Business of Schatztruhe
Waldshut-Tiengen/Essen, 26th February 2001den 26.02.2001

GTI Grenville Trading International GmbH has been active as distributor for Amiga software since 1987 and supplies a worldwide network of dealers. Stefan Ossowski's Schatztruhe Gesellschaft für Software mbH has been one of the leading publishers of Amiga productivity software for over than 13 years. The two companies have co-operated closely and successfully since 1994 and have contributed to the lasting establishment of the CD-Rom medium within the Amiga software market.

With effect from 1st March 2001, both companies have agreed to intensify their co-operation further, with GTI Gmbh taking over the operating business of Schatztruhe GmbH. All publishing activities of Schatzruhe will be re-located to Waldshut-Tiengen and continued in undiminished scale as a business division of GTI GmbH.

The change will be handled as simply as possible for customers, suppliers, and other business partners of Schatztruhe GmbH, only contact information being changed to the following as from the 1st March 2001 :

GTI Grenville Trading International GmbH
Weihergasse 5
79761 Waldshut-Tiengen

Telephone: +49-(0)700 - 70 60 50 40
Telefax: +49-(0)201 - 426 00 00

Internet: (Allgemein & Bestellungen) (Technisches Support)

Schatztruhe will continue to publish high-quality Amiga software at attractive prices. A number of new products are already in preparation for 2001.

Richard Small                  Stefan Ossowski
Managing Director, GTI GmbH    Partner, Schatztruhe GmbH

[News message: 25. Feb. 2001, 19:54] [Comments: 0]
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