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Andreas Magerl via eMail

Amiga Future now also in English
On the Amiga Future homepage an interview with the programmer of Workbench 2000 has been released today. The interview can be found in the section INTERACTIVE of the homepage (was AKTION).

Besides, the Amiga Future homepage is available also in English from today on. The homepage has been translated 'by hand', not using a translator tool. Of course, there's an English version of the interview in the English part of the Amiga Future available. There's also a poll on the English start page and much more.

For expanding the English homepage the editorial staff is still looking for users which could translate the German texts every 1 - 2 weeks into the English. In the English section there are two buttons: the first stands for the normal and very up-to-date news of the Amiga Future that are translated online into English using a translator tool, and the second leads to "real" English news, powered by BoingWorld.

[News message: 11. Feb. 2001, 23:04] [Comments: 0]
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