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V³ v3.3.79beta
On 11. February 2001 Oliver Wagner has released the beta version v3.3.79 of the web browser 'V³'. It contains bugfixes, improvements and enhancements. For using this version a keyfile is needed. Besides this, Oliver Wagner points out that it is a beta version that contains several bugs and so mainly serves illustrating the actual state of development. Compared against the version v3.3.75beta dated 4. February the following has changed (among other things):
  • Bugfix: A serious bug in the scanner caused all numeric literals without decimal point interpreted as a 32 bit integer number, thus forced also numeric literals not being integers into this format. For example the initializing of the dates was affected.
  • Bugfix: Prefs - When all cookies were deleted, this state wasn't saved thus causing all cookies to be present again after a restart.
  • New: JS - It is now possible to set and form.action [].
  • New: JS - New functions: date.toLocaleString(), date.toUTCString(), date.toGMTString(), date.getMilliseconds() and date.setMilliseconds().
  • New: Layouter - support of percentage declaration within WIDTH and HEIGHT of the IMG and EMBED tag.
  • New: Layouter - supports now transparency in the background image.
  • Change: General - workaround for erraneous URLs of the kind: (e.g. missing '/' after the host).
  • Change: Rexx - OpenURL was changed into LoadURL and the old OpenURL version is used again. ARexx scripts and the openurl.library should now work.
  • Change: Net - When following a redirect the GET command will now be sent with the original URL as referer instead of the forwarding URL. This fixes problems with scripts that check the refer and depend on the behaviour of the MSIE [ SMS service].

The complete list of the changes is content of the readme.

Download: v_33_beta79.lzx (803K), Readme

[News message: 11. Feb. 2001, 20:31] [Comments: 0]
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