Markus Nerding via eMail
Haage & Partner News
H&P increases personnel
In October of the past year, we already hired a new programmer, namely
Markus Poellmann. He mainly cares for StormC, and also works on
AmigaWriter. At the beginning of 2000, a new co-worker was found, Ute
Gottschalk, who takes care of accounting and datatyping. Stefan Robel has
just finished a practical period for his computer studies, in which he
created a new and portable version of StormRexx. At the beginning of
September, Alexander Bramm and Simon Neumann brought two new co-workers.
Their main concern is support, and managing of new projects.
Further co-workers wanted.
For proof-reading of our website texts, press releases and manuals we are
looking for an additional English native speaker. A good knowledge of
English grammer etc. is essential.
[News message: 07. Sep. 2000, 07:08] [Comments: 0]
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