Andreas R. Kleinert
Computer-Zeitung: Politicians supporting Linux in the fight against patents
The German Computerzeitung issue 36 from 09-07-00 is carrying the subject of software patents:
They are titeling (small): "Software Inventions"
(big) "Politicians are supporting Linux with the fight against patents"
This all is to find big and not ot overlook pivotal on the front page citing Joerg Tauss, MdB (member of the
Bundestag) contra, and Dai Rees pro SWPAT.
Additional a big picture along with the subtitle "The [EPA] in Munich denys any private financial interest [...]"
At the left another contra SWPAT
comment (German) of
an editor, and at the lower right the Intel/Broadcom quarrel is suggested. So, about half of the front page
today only on the subject of patents.
[News message: 07. Sep. 2000, 07:08] [Comments: 0]
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