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Spacefrog via eMail

The First Moorhuhn was created on an Amiga
Hard to beleave, the first Moorhuhn was created on an Amiga:

«The team that started work soon and was put together due to disposability and skills by Ziemlinski, consisted of five persons. Beside himself the in the szene well known 3D artist Ingo Mesche belonged to the team. Ingo, father of the Moorhuhn alread had a digital poultry in the drawer of his desk, which was only waiting to be shot at last. On would hardly beleave it, but this was waiting there since about 15 years. That time it was designed as a pixle figure with D-Paint/Amiga and the even got a little walk-on, but never was published. So it lain around useless untill the Phenomendia AG needed a chicken. »
Full article at the titlelink. (German)

Though I am against "shooter games" in general, I have to admit that I already made friend with the Moorhuhn and would be happy about an Amiga port of it.

[News message: 30. Aug. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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