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Amiga: Conceptions for the Developer's Support
Gary Peake, from Amiga, has published conceptions from Amiga for the planned Developer's Support Project on the AmigaOpen mailinglist. Those should give an impression of the project, not necessary all the up-comming services are listed there and in particular the details are not fixed or published, yet.

At this time the support is subdivided into four levels. The correct setup shall be announced in proximo times.

For the Developer's Meetings/Trainings there are four dates a year scheduled at different locations. Furthermore there will be two events in Snoqualmie, the head office of Amiga. Moreover Amiga will publish videos and a complete series of books. This series will represent the programming reference for the new Amiga system. Ten books are planned dealing with different subjects of the Amiga VP programmig at a target price of 29.95USD a book, for the time beeing.

There will be a Certification Project for interessted developers. It is beeing worked on the correct specs for this project. In general there will be the possibility to get certification for applications and hardware from Amiga. After a successful certification a developer will get access to the following:
  • Amiga Mall - for selling products.
  • Marketing support.
  • Specific developer support.
  • The use of trademarks and logos for both, certificated applikations and hardware.
  • Recording to a database of AmigaNG applications and hardware extensions, which can be searched by users.

At there is a IRC Channel #developer available. After the secure mechanisms will work there will be NDA style chats with Fleecy Moss, Bill McEwen and other members of the Amiga team.

Web Panels will be established. Those will be separated into private (NDA) and public forums.

There will be Updates and some surprises for registered developers, those people who did not purchase the SDK and will not be able to access.

[News message: 30. Aug. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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