Frank Wille
New ppclibemu
ppclibemu is an emulation of the ppc.library and the PowerUP kernel under WarpOS.
An own ELF LoadSeg patch is included, and allows many (some?) PowerUP-applications
to run just like in the original environment. Those apps that run show no feelable
speed penalty. Some are even faster than with the original kernel.
New in v0.8: PortLists, PPCFindTask, PPCFindTaskObject, PPCSignalTask, PPCDeleteTask.
Please try which of the two runs better with installed PowerUP software, A or B?
ppclibemuA.lzx -
ppclibemu A v0.8 (30.06.00), latest version (libs only)
ppclibemuB.lzx -
ppclibemu B v0.8 (30.06.00), latest version (libs only)
[News message: 01. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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