Marco Frischkorn on ANF
Update of the homepage, and new domain names
Not only the design has changed - our domain has changed, too. The old domain name
www.amigadev.de will be transferred to Amiga Inc. in the next couple of days.
We decided to take this step because the domains amigadev.COM and amigadev.NET were
already owned by Amiga Inc., and we therefore confused some users, who of course thought
that amigadev.DE would be the German counterpart to amigadev.COM. To put an end to this
confusion, and to give Amiga Inc. the opportunity to create German pages under amigadev.DE,
some days ago we ordered our web hoster to transfer the domain name to Amiga Inc.
Our new domain names are now:
www.highantdev.de and
The .DE domain will lead you to the German pages, and the .COM domain to the English ones.
Since the English pages are not yet finished, both domains lead you to German pages for the
time being.
[News message: 01. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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