Pietro Ghizzoni via email
AmyGate version 1.10 released
AmyGate is the first internet-client that unites several services in one. Normally you need
many programs to have full access to the Aminet. First a browser to surf through the files and
archives, a FTP-program for uploads and a mailprogram to value the programs and to subscribe
and unsubscribe to mailinglists. AmyGate unites all these programs into one and gives you easy
and comfortable handling.
Amygate support:
- Aminet mailinglist
- recent uploads
- uploads of the last seven days
- upload and download
- search of files
- Aminet CHARTS
- rating program
Download: amygate.lha.
[News message: 27. Apr. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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